Saturday, April 10, 2010

Weekly Champion Update - Week 1

It has been a week since we started on our path of developing a champion’s mindset and applying it to a goal. While the focus is on achieving the goal, there is a bigger target of doing a few things everyday that reinforce our confidence by focusing on our strengths, acknowledging the good we have done to others and thus helping ourselves. So we were given a list of things to do as part of our homework for the next 21 days. Here is the update.

What have I done this week ?

The hardest part of the homework has been to do something out of my comfort zone each day. I am glad to report my progress on this front.
• I have overcome my reluctance to take photos with my shiny red digital camera (I think I have no aptitude for this gadget, actually with most gadgets). I took a few photos and actually put one picture of the frangipani tree that graces my front yard on my blog “Waiting for spring”
• I started clearing out my garage – no mean task if you look at its contents
• I drove to a factory that is located in the industrial area not far from my home but the road leading to it has heavy truck traffic – a daunting task for a city driver like me

Good things done
• I encouraged a few people who had done exceptionally well and others who seemed to need extra words of support
• Showed up at Evening Hour bookstore for a “Meet the author” session even though it was an author of Telugu books (which I cannot read)
• I took my family members to places they wanted to, even if these were not my favorite haunts

“Yes” factors
• I wrote blogs on topics that were close to my heart. The creative juices were flowing strongly this week and made me feel good to be alive
• Got supporting emails from previous colleagues who are eager to see me in the US next month and have promised to introduce me to decision makers in their respective offices (totally unsolicited show of confidence)
• Completed a promised job within the deadline

Progress towards “THE GOAL”
• Perhaps this is the area that has taken a backseat. No progress to report on the goal that I have taken up for execution in the next 8 months. I did make a little progress but reading, blogging and of course, professional commitments have taken priority.

Overall, not a bad first week, but I have miles to go before I sleep, literally.


  1. Super stuff Ranjani, you are showing true champion mettle...I liked the stuff about the camera (the frangipani pic was very nice, even the book cover was good) and the driving off to distant, dusty industrial areas and mostly driving people to places they wanted. I am truly impressed. Now, to practice what I preach!
    I meant to also tell you that I read and liked both the previous blogs as well! Keep going...

  2. hi ranjani,
    am inspired by your week1 review. So i wrote too!
    check mine at
