Saturday, September 11, 2010

Building connections

I have been giving some thought to why we resist change so much. Moving homes and changing jobs are stressful periods, if not downright scary events in your life. But why?

When a job change is voluntary, something that you have initiated, there is the element of excitement at the novelty of what is ahead - new responsibilities, a new office, new title and perhaps new perks. But there is an element of skepticism about the new boss and office colleagues. These fears are related to people, the great unknown. Even when you can control other variables in your life, what you cannot predict is the people in your life. Work culture is predominantly dictated by the opinion of the boss and the attitude he brings to the office. We worry whether our personalities will match, how long will it take to feel part of the group, will it be fun?

Moving homes brings about another set of challenges altogether. How do I settle down in the new place? Where can I buy vegetables? Who will deliver the milk? the newspaper? Who are my neighbors - will they be cooperative or troublesome? Will the ambiance be to my taste? Most importantly - will I make friends? Leaving a familiar place means finding replacements for all the physical elements of the old location that made your life easy. I know the tailor, the istrywala, the cable guy and need to find new people to fulfill these requirements. But leaving also means saying goodbye to my friendly neighbors who shared tips and saplings, gave me a ride on a rainy day and kept my mail when I was away.

I think the joy of anticipating change is directly linked to the ability to make new connections, to find a common ground to interact with strangers, to link at an emotional level while providing physical support. I have already interacted with the family that lives across from my new apartment and the couple that lives one floor below. I hope to get to know many more once I move in. I am a little scared, but I also know one thing for sure.

I have been through other moves in my life and one characteristic of my personality has always helped me settle in my new place. My ability to reach out and build connections.

Looking forward to adding more.

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