Monday, January 2, 2012

Letting go

It is 2 Jan 2012. Now that a regular work day has dawned after a party to ring out the old year, it is time for people to plan, to ask, to list all that they want in this new year. Making resolutions is a common phenomenon, breaking them is even more common. It is surprising that each year we continue this ritual (or is it a charade?) of wanting things in our life, even lofty ones like healthier lifestyle and peace of mind and common ones like a new gadget or luxury car.

Very often when I look at my closets, I feel overwhelmed by all the things I own. I am not a pack rat and usually only keep things that are of use to me and periodically even purge my belongings. But clutter has a way of taking residence unannounced. As I see clutter around me, I feel that my thoughts are also cluttered. It is time to clean up.

I feel this year that I should make a list of things that I want to let go. The list obviously includes several material possessions of dubious current value. But more important are the intangibles that I would like to let go. Most of them feature in the category of "fear". Here is what I plan to release this year:
1. Fear of attempting Shirsasana (head stand in yoga)
2. Fear of water - I would like to learn to swim
3. Fear of public ridicule when I sing in front of an audience
4. Fear of taking up a large writing project - book, novel, memoir???
5. Fear of sharing all my fears - this one I will tackle another year

I think I will start with the third item on the list. I plan to post mp3 files of some of my singing previews. It is a big step for me, akin to posting pictures of yourself "before" going on the huge weight loss diet where your "after" picture makes you look like a fashion model.

Why am I doing this? It has been my experience that sharing your plans loudly with the Universe makes it come true faster than if you were hoarding this information inside you, afraid to make it public in case you fail. I hope to get better at items 1-4 as I make efforts during the year. I also be more accountable by feeling the need to update readers on my progress. It feeds a virtuous cycle to achieve.

All I need to figure out is how to embed my mp3 files into the blog. Help!

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