Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Aparna's column - Puppy love

One celebrity with a heart - actor Nagarjuna’s wife, Amala Akkineni. Blue Cross was set up in an attempt to rescue and provide shelter for injured street animals. Now home to hundreds of stray dogs, cats, cows and other creatures; Blue Cross has its own ambulance to save hurt, dying animals. The wounded animals, kept in fenced enclosures, are treated by experienced doctors and are looked after carefully until recovery. After healing, some are kept as regulars, some are left where they came from, some are put up for adoption. Probably not the most hygienic conditions for these abandoned little things, yet there is nothing more they could want. It’s the best life they could ever live-without the threat of abuse and accident. At Blue Cross they have a volunteer system, where anyone can sign up to render their services as an animal-lover. I have wanted to go to Blue Cross for a long time now, but the time never seemed right. Finally, I decided, what better time to go than now? So yesterday, along with two friends, I helped remove ticks from puppies, cleaned them up and played with them. They were all patient as we poked and prodded them. We made friends with the animals, coming down to their level and talking to them. They responded with friendly eyes and grateful, loving gestures.

All the puppies wanted to be touched and cuddled. They had pretty, charming, bright little eyes that one just couldn’t help but be mesmerized by. They would try to jump out of their compound, reaching towards us. One particularly impish puppy squeezed through the gap between the gate and the wall and escaped out. It liked the freedom, strutting around in the yard. We would keep dropping it back inside, and it would keep squirming back out. At one point, its head got stuck there in the gap and it wasn’t able to pull it out either way. It was squealing in pain; helpless. My heart broke to hear its pain and not be able to do anything. We brought help and finally the puppy was pushed inside.

After my time spent there, I realize how it makes me happy to be amongst dogs, petting them, interacting with the animals. Everything else is forgotten at that time, it is only about helping the puppies, giving them company. The best part is that it doesn’t even cost any money, just your time. The animals aren’t asking for anything else except your attention. Perhaps I will go there every week for two hours of pure joy.

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